Doctor wearing VR headset


Project overview

Virtual Reality Education and Training Solutions for Medicine Sector

Medical interventions are increasingly digitalised but training of health care staff is still lagging behind. The VReduMED project helps to untap the potential of virtual and augmented reality for their education. The partnership develops a roadmap for virtual reality training products and services and will publish a handbook on the integration of virtual reality into health care education. They also set up three regional virtual reality labs to test different virtual reality use cases.

2,20m €

Project Budget


of the Budget is funded by ERDF

Layer 1










Start date

End date

Project progress


About the project

The VReduMED Team aims to improve the cooperation between healthcare education and medtech suppliers (particularly SMEs/start-ups), using Virtual Reality as key enabler to make care work more attractive and ensure high-quality care services in the future. The partners are focusing on enrich the education of care students and the upskilling of care practitioners, in addition to foster the uptake of MedTech assistance systems by the care sector, and trigger the co-creative development of demand-tailored MedTech solutions. The goal is to respond comprehensively the joint challenges in the Central European region.

Project partnership

Project partners

Česko (CZ)

Lead partner

South Bohemian Science and Technology Park, corp.

Lipová 1789/9
37005 České Budějovice
Czechia (CZ)

Project partner

Faculty of Education + Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
Jeronýmova 10
37115 České Budějovice
Czechia (CZ)
Total partner budget
185,900 €
Cluster and Collaboration
Hafenstraße 47-51
4020 Linz
Austria (AT)
Total partner budget
267,100 €
Zentrum für Bildungsforschung OÖ
Anastasius-Grün-Straße 22-24
4020 Linz
Austria (AT)
Total partner budget
205,276 €
Faculty of Business Management
Dolnozemská cesta 1/A
852 35 Bratislava
Slovakia (SK)
Total partner budget
220,900 €
Klinika pediatrickej urológie LFUK a NÚDCH
Limbova 1
833 40 Bratislava
Slovakia (SK)
Total partner budget
169,100 €
Franz-Mayer-Straße 1
93053 Regensburg
Germany (DE)
Total partner budget
242,600 €
Nursing Laboratory of the Regensburg Center of Health Sciences and Technology (RCHST)
Am Biopark 9
93053 Regensburg
Germany (DE)
Total partner budget
242,631 €
Móricz Zsigmond 14
8000 Székesfehérvár
Hungary (HU)
Total partner budget
213,060 €
VR Learning Center
Egyetem tér 1.
9026 Győr
Hungary (HU)
Total partner budget
185,200 €



The work has already started!

VReduMED Team

Attention healthcare and MedTech organisations, the VReduMED Team is here to support you in creating something amazing together!


Discover one of Europe's most exciting project and be part of the VR experience!

The main task of the VReduMED partnership is the introduction of Virtual Reality as a people-centered MedTech innovation in the education for care professions.


Members of the VReduMED consortium are working on the groundwork for the project activity.

VReduMED Mapping

The first phase of the VReduMED activities has not only built a tool to support the work that follows, but has also produced a useful map of relevant VR competences in healthcare for the general public.


VR/AR technologies in action

Have you tried it? Our regional events not only showcase the technology and the potential of VR/AR solutions, but also give you the opportunity to try the experience.


Cross-Regional Survey on VR Technology in Daily Practices

After mapping the key stakeholders in the project regions, the VReduMED consortium would like to involve these actors in a transnational survey to gain more insight into the VR competences and awareness in the Central European region. If you want to share your VR experiences and join us in the roundtable discussions, you can find country-specific questionnaires here:


Periodical magazine from our experts

VReduMED's consortium partners bring you the latest cross-sector VR/AR/MR topics, initiatives and solutions. Please welcome VReduMED Magazine and follow our website for more MedTech content:


VReduMED Mid-term Event

The VReduMED Mid-term Event in Győr, Hungary, is a summer event not to be missed for those interested in healthcare VR solutions. Follow our presentations via YouTube live stream on 9 July 2024!



Pilot actions



First activity within the VReduMed project was devoted to mapping. The goal was to describe status quo about relevant competences of research institutions and in the company sector as well as the existing VR infrastructure in the project region.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans


After completing the initial mapping of key actors' status quo in project regions, the project consortium took a step forward to engage with these actors, aiming to conduct an initial transnational survey of VR competences and awareness.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
Credit: Strategic Sensor Technology Partnership


Following the joint analysis of the stakeholder survey, each region organizes a round table event, with actors of the relevant target groups and representatives of regional care institutions to discuss the situation of care education and the project approach.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
Credit: Strategic Sensor Technology Partnership


A set of methodological tools will be developed for the implementation of open innovation sessions, which will be presented first to the project partners, followed by a regional development workshop in cooperation between SMEs, VR experts and care experts.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans

Care Education Forum

Aimed at solving the practical challenges of providing hands-on, quality nursing education, we rely on the theoretical knowledge and lived experiences of care education lecturers, teachers and trainers. The VReduMED Care Education Forum is an opportunity for experts and practitioners to help us innovate practice-oriented VR teaching and learning.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

VR application prototypes

Based on the analysis of available VR equipment in partner regions, VR application prototypes will be produced, primarily for the testing within the pilots actions.
Type of output: Solutions
In development


The VReduMED Handbook summarizes the conclusions of the Care Education Forum, including aggregated assessment of the pilot actions, an education concept and recommendations for the regional care education systems. It also lists good practice examples as gathered within the project.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

VR Lab Programme

VR Labs, set-up in partner regions, provide a testing environment for tools and applications. VR Labs will be interconnected so that teaching can be done internationally in both 2D and 3D environments. The pilot actions also take place in these VR labs.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

Train-The-Trainer Programme

Train-the-trainer programme aims at organizing of train-the-traner event so the trained staff is able to further spread the skills and knowledge on VR/AR systems in their environment.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

Project videos

Project documents

VReduMED Care Education Forum Onepager

VReduMED Care Education Forum Care Education Forum presents a shared online space for care science lecturers, as well as teachers and trainers of upskilling programmes. The forum plays a major role in the development of ideas for practical VR-based tools for care education, in the co-creation of innovative VR-based solutions in cooperation with SMEs and in the assessment of the pilot actions.

VReduMED Good Practise Examples

VReduMED Good Practise Examples A catalogue of good practice examples as collected within the framework of the VReduMED project. The collection contains selected organizations from the healthcare and social care sector that have gained considerable experience in actively using virtual or augmented reality systems, and which are using them as part of their daily work procedures. The catalogue is not only one of the project deliverables but also serves as an invaluable source of information for further project implementation.

VReduMED Survey

VReduMED Survey Results The aim of VReduMED Survey was to prepare the ground for further project work by investigating the needs of the key target groups in all parts of project region and their expectations regarding VR applications in care education and in the practice of care professionals. For this purpose, the partnership conducted an initial transnational survey with key actors of care education, MedTech companies and SMEs interested in this sector as well as SMEs/start-ups with VR competence. The total number of respondents is 112, out of which 44 were from Austria, 38 from Germany, 12 from Slovakia, 11 from Czech Republic and 7 from Hungary.


The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.

Project on social media

Project Contacts

Project Manager

Matouš Radimec
Phone: +420 773 270 790

Finance Manager

Miroslava Vlčková
Phone: +420 389 032 472

Communication Manager

Nóra Szirmai
Phone: +36202210345