Project overview
Virtual Reality Education and Training Solutions for Medicine Sector
Medical interventions are increasingly digitalised but training of health care staff is still lagging behind. The VReduMED project helps to untap the potential of virtual and augmented reality for their education. The partnership develops a roadmap for virtual reality training products and services and will publish a handbook on the integration of virtual reality into health care education. They also set up three regional virtual reality labs to test different virtual reality use cases.
2,20m €
Project Budget
of the Budget is funded by ERDF
Start date
End date
Project progress
About the project
Project partnership
Project partners

Lead partner
South Bohemian Science and Technology Park, corp.
Project partner
Faculty of Education + Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
Cluster and Collaboration
Zentrum für Bildungsforschung OÖ
Faculty of Business Management
Klinika pediatrickej urológie LFUK a NÚDCH
Nursing Laboratory of the Regensburg Center of Health Sciences and Technology (RCHST)
VR Learning Center
The work has already started!

Attention healthcare and MedTech organisations, the VReduMED Team is here to support you in creating something amazing together!
Discover one of Europe's most exciting project and be part of the VR experience!
The main task of the VReduMED partnership is the introduction of Virtual Reality as a people-centered MedTech innovation in the education for care professions.
Members of the VReduMED consortium are working on the groundwork for the project activity.

The first phase of the VReduMED activities has not only built a tool to support the work that follows, but has also produced a useful map of relevant VR competences in healthcare for the general public.
VR/AR technologies in action

Have you tried it? Our regional events not only showcase the technology and the potential of VR/AR solutions, but also give you the opportunity to try the experience.
Cross-Regional Survey on VR Technology in Daily Practices

After mapping the key stakeholders in the project regions, the VReduMED consortium would like to involve these actors in a transnational survey to gain more insight into the VR competences and awareness in the Central European region. If you want to share your VR experiences and join us in the roundtable discussions, you can find country-specific questionnaires here:
Periodical magazine from our experts

VReduMED's consortium partners bring you the latest cross-sector VR/AR/MR topics, initiatives and solutions. Please welcome VReduMED Magazine and follow our website for more MedTech content:
VReduMED Mid-term Event
The VReduMED Mid-term Event in Győr, Hungary, is a summer event not to be missed for those interested in healthcare VR solutions. Follow our presentations via YouTube live stream on 9 July 2024!
Pilot actions





Care Education Forum

VR application prototypes


VR Lab Programme

Train-The-Trainer Programme
Project videos
Project documents
VReduMED Care Education Forum Onepager
VReduMED Good Practise Examples
VReduMED Survey
The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.