EU Regions Week 2023: Our programme contributions

EU Regions Week 2023: Our programme contributions

For many years now, the second week of October has been reserved in Brussels for discussing the present state and future of European cities and regions. This year was no different: From 9 to 12 October, the European Commission and the Committee of the Regions hosted...
6th Meeting of the Monitoring Committee

6th Meeting of the Monitoring Committee

The Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE second call for project proposals invited organisations from across the programme area to submit their transnational cooperation ideas in all priorities and specific objectives. The call was open from 22 March to 17 May 2023 with an...
Regiostars: Vote now for our shortlisted projects

Regiostars: Vote now for our shortlisted projects

We are excited that two of our transnational cooperation projects have been selected as finalists in the European Regiostars awards: Dynaxibility4CE and SIforREF. The public vote is open, support them now to become the new Regiostars! Since 2008, this competition...