National info day for Austrian applicants

National info day for Austrian applicants

The Austrian contact point organises national info day on 13 April as an online event informing potential applicants about Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE fresh funding opportunities. Find out more about the upcoming call and ask your questions. The meeting will take place...
National info day for Austrian applicants

National info day for Hungarian applicants

The Hungarian national contact point organises a national info day on 5 April for all interested applicants in our second call for project proposals. Find out more about the upcoming call and take an opportunity to ask your questions. Moreover, you can also learn from...
National info day for Czech applicants

National info day for Czech applicants

The Czech national contact point organises a joint info day for Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE and INTERREG EUROPE applicants on 11 April 2023, in the premises of the Public Investment Academy of the Ministry for Regional Development. Interested applicants are invited to...
We have launched our second call

We have launched our second call

We have launched our second call for project proposals at our programme conference on 22 March 2023. With this call, we invite organisations from across central Europe to submit their transnational cooperation ideas in all funding priorities and specific objectives...