TRANSGEO engagement webinar 12 February – you are invited!

TRANSGEO engagement webinar 12 February – you are invited!

TRANSGEO invites you to a webinar on our project, our technical and strategic products, and opportunities to engage with us on reuse of abandoned hydrocarbon wells for new geothermal energy development.  We hope you will join us! The following topics will be covered:...
x-Inno Radar Inpired by: New skills through making

x-Inno Radar Inpired by: New skills through making

Our first digital ‘Inspired by’ session on soft skills in non metropolitan regions, open to the public. Together with two experts, Johanna Lianne van de Laar (Maker e.V.) and Martin Hollinetz (Otelo), we explore how maker spaces can help unlock and apply...
House of Future

House of Future

  A small version of a „House of Future“ in Graz, as a multifunctional space for circular economy and sustainability issues in a vacant retail space in the city center of Graz successfully promoted small companies from Graz between June – September 2024. The 22m²...