Project meeting Clim4Cast in Bratislava

Project meeting Clim4Cast in Bratislava

  The goal of the project is to create an innovative forecasting tool for all partner countries that will effectively warn against DHF phenomena (drought, heat waves, fires) as well as a special action plan proposing a suitable reaction mechanism for these...
Let’s start

Let’s start

  Cooperation within the Central Mountains project has officially begun. On May 23-24, 2023, the Kick-off meeting was held by the Lead Partner – Rzeszów County. The purpose of the project is to strengthen and improve governance models in mountain areas of...
Let´s re-cap @Dream_pace outcomes for 2023 😊

Let´s re-cap @Dream_pace outcomes for 2023 😊

Let´s re-cap @Dream_pace outcomes for 2023 😊 ✅ Challenges and opportunities specific for Central European Demand-Responsive-Transport were defined, ✅ 6 Living Labs were launched, including local meetings with stakeholders ✅ 3 Work packages were kicked off ✅ 2...