Kick-off event

Kick-off event

  The first meeting of the project team took place on March 28th in form of an online meeting. The event began with greetings from the lead partner, Bavarian Branch of Friends of the Earth Germany and the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg CE programme as well as...
1st Partner meeting

1st Partner meeting

  From May 30 to June 2, 2023, the first partner meeting in person and three study visits of the ReCo project took place in Jablonné nad Orlicí (CZ). The partners spent three days together exploring the Jeseníky mountains, the Josefovské louky Bird Park and the...
2nd Partner meeting

2nd Partner meeting

  The second partner meeting of the ReCo project took place from November 13 to 16, 2023. The project consortium met in the home town of project partner DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia – Koper (SI) – and held meetings for two days. On the first day project...
Project Consortium Meeting in Venice

Project Consortium Meeting in Venice

Venice calls for GREENPACT action! ♻ 🍃 🌍 You have to admit, one advantage of participating in EU projects is certainly the opportunity to visit beautiful places in Europe! 😊 End of October the GREENPACT partners from Italy, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and...