In Trieste we start working on public transport improvements

In Trieste we start working on public transport improvements

On 4 – 5 April 2023 the meeting gathered all major players and proved very fruitful to adopt and decide on the preliminary activities to ensure the successful implementation. This was also a first opportunity to meet and discuss with the Interreg CE Project...
Transnational online conference about public transport

Transnational online conference about public transport

The SUSTANCE project started in April and we have already prepared a virtual event to bring you closer to the challenges we are facing. Therefore, we invite you to join the transnational online conference “Challenges and opportunities for public transport...
Towards a Hybrid Home Care Model

Towards a Hybrid Home Care Model

Webinar: Towards a Hybrid Home Care Model There is a need to innovate home care delivery trying to reach out a broader number of citizens. PROCAREFUL project is trying to scale up the organisational care models through technology to prevent cognitive and physical...
Discussion for a common glossary on Social Solidarity economy

Discussion for a common glossary on Social Solidarity economy

Partners and stakeholders joined an online focus group to integrate all information, gathered by the desk analysis and questionnaires/interviews about the definition and common understanding of social and solidarity economy, social enterprise, social economy cluster....
International Project MECOG-CE Kicks off in Brno

International Project MECOG-CE Kicks off in Brno

On 30–31 May 2023, representatives of European metropolitan areas, universities and associations met in Brno for the official launch of the MECOG-CE project (Strengthening Metropolitan Cooperation and Management in Central Europe). The project is funded via the...