Talking about cross-border public transport

Talking about cross-border public transport

On 27 June, CEI-ES was invited to present some achievements as best practices for the promotion of cross-border public transport connections at the 19th Beyond Borders Breakfast Debate. The online event was organized by the Border Focal Point Network, a community...


July 3, 2024 Venue: Maxwell Meeting Room Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunications Politecnico di Torino, Corso Castelfidardo, 42/a, Torino, Italy We are excited to announce the kick-off meeting for the MedWaveImage project on July 3, 2024, at Politecnico di Torino...
IUFRO 2024

IUFRO 2024

The RE-ENFORCE team #IUFRO2024  ( has also spoken about the importance of the new Nature Restoration Law, which was passed on 17 June 2024. To refresh our memory: After long negotiations, the Environment Council reached a qualified majority and...
Discussing financing of energy renovations in Slovenia

Discussing financing of energy renovations in Slovenia

  On Wednesday, June 12, 2024, a national round table on financing energy renovations of buildings in Slovenia was held in Ljubljana. The event was organized in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy (MOPE), Climate and Energy within...