We help all applicants. Browse through our support and get in touch if you need anything.
Applicant community
Our applicant community brings together organisations from across central Europe.
The community is central for building partnerships. It facilitates the search for potential project partners and presents existing ideas. If you need additional partners for your project idea or simply want to join another one, this is the best place to start your cooperation. We also organise applicant support events and hold consultations with lead applicants on this platform.
Events for applicants
For each call, we offer a series of support events and webinars.
Many of our events take place in our applicant community, so if you are not a member, yet, register quickly! In case you miss any of our events, the recordings will become available there as well.
In our event calendar, you will also find all upcoming national information events organised by our national contact points (NCPs) in your area.
Explainers and tutorials
If you quickly want to get familiar with what we fund, have a look at our thematic explainers and tutorials.
Before spending time reading all our documents, short explainer videos will introduce you to our funding priorities and specific objectives. In addition, our tutorials will give you good guidance on how to develop a successful project proposal.
Individual consultations
During open calls, we offer individual consultations to applicants.
This personalised guidance provides feedback on the relevance of the project idea and helps applicants develop strong project proposals. They usually last about 45 minutes and are held online on our applicant community.
Self-assessment tool
Are you already quite advanced with developing your project proposal? Would like to know if your application is really sound and relevant?
Find out in what shape your project proposal is with our self-assessment tool for applicants.
National support
Reach out in your national language to our national contact points (NCP).
We have experts to support you in all programme countries. NCPs will offer support regarding the calls and provide information on national application issues. Check out also our event calendar for any upcoming national information event organised by an NCP in your area.
FAQs and helpdesk
We regularly update our frequently asked questions section.
If you cannot find your question, do not hesitate to contact our helpdesk. We are there to help and support you along the way.