Step-by-step guide
Find out how to apply with us
in a few easy steps.
How to get started
This step-by-step guide is designed for people that are new to our funding.
But also more experienced applicants might find inspiration.
Find out if we match
Is our transnational funding suitable for you? Do you tick all necessary boxes? Your organisation and your project idea will have to meet certain criteria to get supported by us.
Check in detail what we fund
You might already know that we want to make central Europe smarter, greener, better connected and more integrated. But do you know what exactly we aim for in each of our funding priorities?
Search for an open or upcoming call
We select projects through calls for proposals. Their focus and framework is defined in so-called “Terms of Reference” (ToR). These are published with the official launch of a call. But we will publish initial information some time before that.
Get familiar with our projects
Are you sure that your idea is really innovative and new for our regions and cities? Maybe there is already a similar project on the same topic in the same regions? Looking at our funded projects will also give you a good impression of the activities we fund.
Start to network
Networking is central to be successful. Do you have a project idea and need cooperation partners? Or would you like to join an existing partnership that needs your expertise? No matter what, our online community is there for you.
Understand the effort
Developing a transnational project takes time and resources. Before you start, it’s better to know in detail what will come your way. Our programme manual contains all information you need to know. It is available in an online version that you can easily search but you can also simply download it.
Make use of national support
No matter at what stage you are with your application, our national contact points are happy to hear from you. There is one in each programme country and they will help you to understand us better – in your own language. They also organise applicant events.
Let us support you
As promised, we will help you when you apply with us. On the transnational level, we offer explainer videos and tutorials
on key issues. We also organise webinars and consultations.
And you can always send questions to our helpdesk.