Implement a project
Find out how to implement an Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE project. And where to get more information.
Key phases of a transnational project
Before you dive into the project start-up guide below, we want to introduce you to the key phases of a transnational project.
Project start-up
Project implementation
Project closure
Starting step-by-step
Are you one of the newcomers to Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE and not sure what will come next? Or do you just want to find out what it means to implement a transnational project before you apply with us?
Whatever the reason, we have a short guide for you. It will take you through the early stages of project implementation right after the contracting phase. Find out what you need to know and where to get more information and support.
Programme manual
If you are already familiar with the basics, it is time to dive deeper into project implementation and read our programme manual.
This document introduces you to the implementation rules for Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE projects. It is the key reference for all partners. In order to facilitate access, we have turned the manual into an online Wiki. But you can still also download it as a PDF.
The programme manual is complemented by other relevant documents for our project partners. Read more about these below.
Relevant documents
Implementation documents
We publish toolboxes to support you in your project and financial management, communications or when working with Jems.
Strategic documents
The toolboxes are build on the programme manual and strategic background documents such as the Interreg Programme (IP).
Monitoring system (Jems)
Are you a part of a funded Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE project? Then it’s time to get more familiar with Jems.
Jems is short for joint monitoring system. The platform is our key tool for reporting and monitoring project progresses and covers the full project life-cycle from application to closure.